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单位:四川师范大学     作者:候佳音,张婉玉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:为了满足用户需求,提升医疗服务机器人造型的美观性、和谐性和创新性。本文以医疗服务机器人造型设计为研究目标,使用户意象、仿生对象和产品造型要素达到高度融合。从意象仿生设计流程入手,用语义差分法确定仿生对象,提取生物外形特征,运用熵权法确定仿生对象外形结构各部分的权重,在产品造型各要素主次的基础上,将仿生生物外形特征与产品外形进行融合,最终得出产品造型设计方案。通过本文的研究,希望设计出能够满足用户意象需求的产品造型,提升医疗服务机器人造型形象,为类似的产品提供参考和依据。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to meet the needs of users, improve the aesthetics, harmony and innovation of the shape of the medical service robot. Taking the medical service robot modeling design as the research goal, the user image, bionic objects and product modeling elements are highly integrated. Starting from the image bionic design process, the semantic difference method is used to determine the bionic object, extract the biological shape feature, and use the entropy method to determine the weight of each part of the bionic object shape structure. Based on the primary and secondary elements of the product modeling, the bionic biological shape feature Integrate with the product shape, and finally get the product shape design plan. Through the research of this article, we hope to design a product model that can meet the needs of users' image, enhance the model image of medical service robots, and provide reference and basis for similar products.

Key Words:bionic image; medical service robot; Modeling Design