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单位:东北石油大学     作者:张瑞杰,孙艳吉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:目前,我国正在逐渐进入垃圾分类强制阶段,垃圾桶作为存放、收集、承载垃圾的主要载体,其设计应该引起人们的重视,分类式垃圾桶也随之进入我们的生活。文章以高校为产品使用场所,并以高校学生为目标人群,通过对高校垃圾分类产品基本现状、垃圾分类视角下高校垃圾分类产品设计的意义以及垃圾分类视角下高校垃圾分类产品设计原则进行分析研究。旨在为高校垃圾分类产品设计提出新思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, China is gradually entering the mandatory phase of waste classification, waste can as a storage, collection, the main carrier of waste, its design should cause people's attention, the classification trash can also then entered our life. Taking universities as the starting point of product use and university students as the target group, this paper analyzes and studies the basic status quo of waste classification products in universities, the significance of waste classification product design in universities from the perspective of waste classification, and the design principles of waste classification products in universities from the perspective of waste classification. This paper puts forward new ideas for the design of waste classification products in colleges and universities.

Key Words:Waste classification; universities; Waste classification product design