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单位:山西师范大学     作者:赵晓娇,刘昂     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:现如今,人们更加关注人与自然之间的关系,越来越多的研究证明良好的景观设计对于人的身心发展是有益的,这让我们意识到了校园健康性生态景观的重要性。因此,建设健康性的校园生态景观对于校园是尤为重要的。文章首先分析了高校景观的建设现状,然后根据现状提出5G时代下的高校健康生态景观建设策略。以期满足校园师生的基本需求,使校园景观赋予健康、绿色、智能、体验的功能,为师生提供良好的学习生活环境。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Nowadays, people pay more attention to the relationship between human and nature. More and more studies have proved that good landscape design is beneficial to people's physical and mental development, which makes us realize the importance of healthy ecological landscape of campus. Therefore, the construction of healthy campus ecological landscape is particularly important for campus.This paper first analyzes the current situation of landscape construction in colleges and universities, and then puts forward the construction strategy of healthy ecological landscape in colleges and universities in 5G era. In order to meet the basic needs of campus teachers and students, so that the campus landscape endowed with healthy, green, intelligent, experience functions, for teachers and students to provide a good learning and living environment.

Key Words:5G era; universities; Healthy; Ecological landscape; Construction