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单位:韩山师范学院     作者:罗英煌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:潮州手拉壶是潮州一项世代相传的民间工艺,它不仅作为一种实用器皿流传于世,也是潮州传统文化中极具代表的艺术品类,不仅表现出其艺术价值,而且蕴含着深厚的文化底蕴,其现今已是国家非物质文化遗产。随着工业化的发展,潮州手拉壶在此环境下也发生着变化,本文基于此通过分析潮州手拉壶发展现状及所面临的困境,对潮州手拉壶技艺发展提出相应的对策,以此为潮州手拉壶技艺的传承与创新提供新的思路。同时也为潮州手拉壶打造品牌的可持续性发展提供参考依据。

关键词:工业化; 潮州;手拉朱泥壶;可持续发展;策略

中图分类号:TS938 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chaozhou hand-drawn pot is a folk craft handed down from generation to generation in Chaozhou. It not only spreads in the world as a practical vessel, but also is a representative artistic category in Chaozhou traditional culture. It not only shows its artistic value, but also contains profound cultural deposits, and now it is a national intangible cultural heritage. Along with the development of the industrialization, Chaozhou hand-pull pot also changes in the environment, this article is based on this by analyzing the current situation of the development of Chaozhou hand-pull pot and facing the plight of the Chaozhou hand-drawn pot of skill development put forward the corresponding countermeasure, to Chaozhou hand-drawn pot of inheritance and innovation in the present environment provides new ideas. It also provides reference for the sustainable development of Chaozhou hand-drawn pot pot brand building.

Key Words:Industrialization; Chaozhou; hand-drawn pot; Sustainable development; Strategy