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单位:西南林业大学     作者:宋文娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:探讨纳西族女性文化现象,通过研究纳西族文化中具有女性审美特征的“蛙”符号的形式与意义,探索了“蛙”符号在纳西族图腾符号、头饰符号、披肩符号及文字符号四种形式中的女性文化隐喻,分析了“蛙”符号在文化、审美、艺术与创新四个方面的设计价值,这有助于传统文化的弘扬与传承,体现了文化传承的新理念,展现了艺术人类学本土化研究的深入。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:On the female culture of Naxi Nationality, this paper studies the frog symbol with female characteristics in Naxi culture. It aims to explore female cultural metaphor of the frog symbol in totem symbol, headdress symbol, cape symbol and Dongba character symbol, and analyze the cultural value, aesthetic value, artistic value and innovation visual of the frog symbol. It is beneficial to innovate and inherite national culture, and it shows the localization research of art anthropology.

Key Words:Naxi minority; Frog symbol; Female cultural metaphor; Design value