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单位:云南艺术学院      作者:赵大航     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:大理巍山以其丰富的且具有代表性的南诏文化而闻名,巍山彝族刺绣所具备的独特性与丰富性,成为巍山彝族文化表现与文化输出的重要部分。现代的文化创意产品的设计中,对于传统文化与现代产品工艺、内容与形式的结合越来越紧密,这一特点目前也对富有艺术性与工艺价值的巍山彝族刺绣的文化创意产品设计提出了更高的要求。本文将通过对巍山彝族刺绣文化内容、工艺、纹样进行挖掘提炼,以视觉、功能、形式设计的角度探究,以布扎文化产品为载体,对巍山彝族刺绣在文化创意产品中的应用进行探索。通过本文的研究,以期为彝族刺绣在文化创意产品设计中应用提供新的思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Dali Weishan Mountain is famous for its rich and representative Nanzhao culture. The uniqueness and richness of Weishan Yi embroidery has become an important part of Weishan Yi cultural expression and cultural output. In the design of modern cultural and creative products, the combination of traditional culture and modern product technology, content and form is getting closer and closer. This feature is currently also important for the development of creative products of the Weishan Yi embroidery culture, which is full of artistic and technological value. Put forward higher requirements. This article will excavate and refine the cultural content, craftsmanship and patterns of Weishan Yi people’s embroidery, explore from the perspectives of vision, function and form design, and use Buza cultural products as the carrier to carry out the application of Weishan Yi people’s embroidery in cultural and creative products. explore. Through the research of this article, It hopes to provide new ideas for the application of Yi embroidery in the design of cultural and creative products.

Key Words:Weishan Yi embroidery; cultural and creative Products design; application