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单位:山西农业大学...     作者:龙洋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:在家具设计中,装饰是极为重要的,一方面可以在视觉上带给人们一种美的感受,另一方面可以通过装饰的手法和纹样了解家具作品的历史沿革和文化特征。山西炕上家具的装饰特征极具地方特色,对于它的深入研究是更深刻的一种文化剖析。本文采取文献研究、田野调查、综合分析等方法,并绘制了清晰的纹样作为图示进行研究,探讨了山西炕上家具的装饰手法多样、装饰纹样丰富和装饰风格独特的特征,反映出山西的地域性和风俗性以及文化底蕴。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The value of decoration on the furniture itself is very important. First, it can bring visual aesthetic impact to people through decoration. Second, it can understand the characteristics of certain historical times and culture of furniture through decoration. Shanxi on kang furniture decoration features extremely local characteristics, further study of it is a kind of culture more profound analysis, this article take the literature research, field research, comprehensive analysis and other methods, and draw a clear pattern, as shown in Shanxi Province is discussed on kang the adornment gimmick, discusses the variety of decoration techniques, rich decorative patterns and installation of furniture on Kang in Shanxi Province.The unique characteristics of the decoration style reflect the region and customs of Shanxi as well as the cultural deposits.

Key Words:Shanxi traditional Houses; Kang furniture; Decorative features