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单位:福州大学至诚学院     作者:朱墨,朱建民,郑颖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:我国传统文化历史悠久、底蕴深厚,而公共环境标识作为现代城市环境中的构成要素,是运用和发扬传统文化元素的有效载体。本文首先对相关概念及现状进行了阐述,其次针对中国传统文化元素在公共环境标识设计中的意义及思路进行了探究,并从中总结了相关的应用方法,以期为今后的公共环境标识设计提供参考。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The traditional culture of our country has a long history and deep inside information, and the public environment logo, as the constituent element in the modern urban environment, is the appropriate carrier to use and carry forward the traditional cultural elements. This paper first expounds the related concepts and present situation, then probes into the significance and ideas of Chinese traditional cultural elements in the design of public environmental identification, and summarizes the relevant application methods. In order to provide reference for the future design of public environmental signs. 

Key Words:Elements of Chinese traditional culture; the Design of Public Environmental Signs; Application