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单位:青岛理工大学     作者:孙春美,李东     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:民以食为天是自然生长规律,饮食文化的丰富多彩造就了餐具的多种多样。然而形式单调的餐具已经不能满足现代生活的需求,本文对模块化设计理论进行分析总结,并联系当下餐具产品发展现状以及市场需求,以模块化理念为切入点,将其融入餐具设计中,着重阐述了基于模块化理念的餐具设计原则与趋势。以期对今后的餐具设计提供新的设计思路,满足人们的就餐趣味,从而让人们在情感和灵魂上得到满足。


中图分类号:TS972 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Food is the law of natural growth, the rich and colorful food culture has created a variety of tableware. However form drab tableware already was insufficient to satisfy the demand of modern life. Therefore, the article and the concept of modularization as the entry point, into the tableware design, focuses on the tableware design principles and trends based on the concept of modularization. With a view to the future tableware design to provide new design ideas, to meet the taste of people's dining, so that people in emotion and soul to get satisfied.

Key Words:Modularization concept; Tableware Design; Interesting