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单位:河南科技大学...     作者:郜亚倩,许占民     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:本文针对文化创意产品的文化内涵的传达性与用户满意度不足的问题,研究一种文化创意产品评价指标体系的构建方法和流程。通过解析文化创意产品,获得构成要素、功能体验和文化特征三个层次。由此,运用访谈法和层次分析法确立评价指标,构建文化创意产品评价指标体系。通过构建判断矩阵,建立评价计算模型。经实例应用验证,所构建的评价指标体系能够有效地反映出用户的满意度和文化内容的传达程度,找到文化创意产品的设计重点,为文化创意产品的改进提供可靠依据。


中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper aiming at the problem of insufficient communication of cultural connotation and user satisfaction of cultural and creative products, this paper studies the construction method and process of an evaluation index system of cultural and creative products. Through the analysis of cultural and creative products, we can get three levels of elements, functional experience and cultural characteristics. Therefore, using interview method and analytic hierarchy process to establish the evaluation index system of cultural and creative products. Through the construction of judgment matrix, the evaluation calculation model is established. The evaluation index system can effectively reflect the degree of user satisfaction and cultural content transmission, find the design focus of cultural and creative products, and provide reliable basis for the improvement of cultural and creative products.

Key Words:Analytic Hierarchy Process; Cultural and creative products; Evaluation index system; Constructing