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单位:兰州交通大学...     作者:蓝充,胡雅丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:图形在设计中以多种多样的形式存在,它用来丰富和美化生活,提高审美情趣。本文首先阐述了图形与插画设计的概念,其次分析了图形在插画设计中的应用意义,同时根据两位有代表性的设计师作品,归纳整理出生动性原则、识别性原则、艺术性原则及文化性原则。希望通过本文的研究,找到图形与插画设计之间的共通之路,从而挖掘图形在插画设计中的独特魅力。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Graphics exist in a variety of forms in design, which are used to enrich and beautify our lives and enhance our aesthetic appeal. This article first explains the definition of graphics and illustration design, and then analyzes the significance of graphics in illustration design. At the same time, based on the works of two representative designers, summarize Sort out the principles of vitality, identification, artistic and cultural principles. I hope that through the research of this article, I can find a common way between graphics and illustration design, so as to explore the unique charm of graphics in illustration design.

Key Words:graphics; illustration design; application