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单位:云南艺术学院     作者:周婷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:起源于二十世纪初意大利的未来主义,是一个现代主义文学流派,充满了自由与反叛精神。未来主义运动的出现,推动了平面设计的发展,其立场鲜明,崇尚自由与力量感,它顺应工业革命的步伐,又是较为独特的存在。本文着重从未来主义运动的概述出发,分析研究未来主义的理论和特点,并在此基础上研究未来主义运动对现代平面设计的积极影响与消极影响,为现代平面设计的发展提供更广阔的思路。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract: Futurism, originated in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century, is a modernist literary school, full of freedom and rebellious spirit. The emergence of futurism has promoted the development of graphic design. Its stand is distinct and advocates freedom and power. It conforms to the pace of industrial revolution and is a relatively unique existence. This paper focuses on the overview of futurism, analyzes the theory and characteristics of futurism, and on this basis, studies the positive and negative influence of futurism on the development of modern graphic design, and provides a broader idea for the development of modern graphic design.

Key Words:Futurism; Graphic design; Influence