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单位:吉林建筑大学     作者:马辉,缐宇峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:随着城镇化进程加快,外来人口大量涌入城市,青年群体作为城市建设的中坚力量,生存与居住环境不容乐观。微型住宅作为经济、高效的过渡型住宅,符合青年群体需求。本文以青年微型住宅空间为研究对象,从微型住宅现状分析,提出四种青年微型住宅设计策略,期望在有限的空间内,打造舒适宜居的青年微型住宅,探索便捷、精致的居家环境。


中图分类号:TU241 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the acceleration of urbanization, a large number of foreign populations have poured into cities. As the backbone of urban construction, young people are not optimistic about their survival and living environment. As an economic and efficient transitional residence, micro-houses meet the development needs of young people. This paper takes the youth micro-house space as the research object, analyzes the status quo of the micro-house, proposes the design method of the youth micro-house, hoping to create a comfortable and livable youth micro-house in a limited space, and explore a convenient and exquisite home environment.

Key Words:Youth Group; Micro-house; Space Design