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单位:西南科技大学     作者:张瑞臣,程鲲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:为了解决产品在创新设计过程中遇到的矛盾问题,获得更加实用的产品创新设计流程。首先,分析了事理学方法论和TRIZ理论集成的理论依据,获得两者结合的可能性;其次,对两大理论在产品创新设计过程中各自的优劣势进行比较分析,确定两者结合的具体方式;最后,从系统的角度出发,构建了基于事理学方法论和TRIZ理论集成的产品创新设计流程。通过在公厕地面设计中的应用,证实了以上设计流程能有效打通创新设计中的“发现问题”“解决问题”和“方案评价”三阶段。


中图分类号:TB47 文献标识码:A


Abstract:solve the contradictory encountered in the process of innovative design, obtain more useful product innovative design process.First, the theoretical basis for the integration of methodology of physical Science and TRIZ theory is analyzed, and the possibility of combining the two is obtained. Secondly, compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the two theories in the process of product innovation and design, and determine the specific way of combining the two. Finally, from a system perspective, a product innovation design process based on the integration of affair methodology and TRIZ theory is constructed.Through the application in the design of public toilet floor,It is proved that the product innovative design process can effectively get through the three stages of "discovering problems", "solving problems" and "program evaluation" in the innovative design process.

Key Words:Affair Methodology; TRIZ theory; Product innovative design