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单位:广东财经大学     作者:杜肇铭     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:远程网络教学模式的快速发展冲击着高校以往“常态”的教学秩序,教学管理、教学内容以及教学方式都要及时应变,处于供给侧的教师们受到冲击最大的莫过于教学观念的转变和教学策略方法的及时调整。《设计概论》课程通过课前充分准备,综合运用多种在线优质教学资源,尝试多种混合教学方式,在顺利完成网络教学任务的同时,总结出一些针对设计专业理论课程的在线教学经验,以期与同行们交流,共同提升此类课程的教学质量。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The rapid development of the long-distance network teaching mode has impacted the "normal" teaching order in colleges and universities. Teaching Management, teaching contents and teaching methods should be changed according to it in time. The supply-side teachers are most affected by the change of the teaching concept and the timely adjustment of teaching methods. The teachers teaching the course "Introduction to Design" , through full preparation before class, comprehensive use of a variety of online high-quality teaching resources, try a variety of mixed teaching methods, while successfully completing the task of network teaching. The author of this paper summarizes some online teaching experiences of theoretical courses for design specialty, in order to exchange with colleagues and improve the teaching quality of this kind of courses.

Key Words:Introduction to Design; Online education; The hybrid teaching; Teaching strategy