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单位:山西农业大学...     作者:杜航,牛丽娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:要想做出有历史文脉延续的室内空间设计,需要在《室内空间设计》课程中融入地方特色文化的内容。因此,文章首先分析了当前地域文化传承的处境及高校室内空间设计的教学现状,然后以晋中民居建筑形式及文化的传承为例找出两者融合的关键点,对其必要性及具体融合策略进行探索,以展现地方高校室内空间设计的教育特色,以期起到促进地域文化传播的作用。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper aims to integrate the local characteristic culture into the teaching of interior space design. Based on the analysis of the current situation of regional cultural heritage and the teaching status of interior space design in Colleges and universities, the paper takes Jinzhong residential buildings form and cultural heritage as an example to find out the key points of their integration, explore its necessity and specific integration strategies, so as to show the educational characteristics of the interior space design of local colleges and universities and play a role in promoting the spread of regional culture.

Key Words:Regional culture; Interior space design; Teaching; Integration; Jinzhong Residential Buildings