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单位:东北师范大学...     作者:周义      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:目前智能产品已经逐渐融入人们的日常生活,人工智能与产品设计联系更加紧密,产品的人性化设计有了新的内容和内涵。本文首先指出人工智能的优势及其与产品设计的关系,其次探讨产品的人性化设计的内涵和延申,最后指出人性化设计在产品设计中的价值和应用。从中可看出人性化设计是产品设计与人工智能相结合的关键因素,证明人工智能不会取代设计师的工作,但会改变设计师的职能和社会对设计的价值认知。通过本文的研究,希望能给产品设计师和设计理论研究者以启示和灵感。

关键词:人工智能; 产品;人性化设计

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, intelligent products have been gradually integrated into people's daily life, artificial intelligence and product design are more closely linked, the humanized design of products has a new content and connotation. This paper first puts forward the advantages of artificial intelligence and its relationship with product design, then discusses the connotation and extension of humanized product design, and finally points out the value and application of humanized design in product design. It can be seen that humanized design is the key factor for the combination of product design and artificial intelligence, which proves that artificial intelligence will not replace the work of designers, but will change the functions of designers and the social cognition of the design-value. Through the research of this paper, I hope it can give enlightenment and inspiration to product designers and design theory researchers.

Key Words:Artificial intelligence; Products; Humanized design