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单位:南京工业大学     作者:万中娇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:随着现代物流业发展,人工搬运货物速率无法满足企业要求,叉车产业得到快速发展,符合市场需求的叉车具有良好的市场前景。文章首先对用户需求的概念进行综述,调研国内外叉车造型现状,分析叉车造型特征,预测叉车造型的发展趋势;然后访谈叉车操作员,了解操作用户的需求,挖掘设计点,总结设计原则;最后基于用户需求进行叉车造型设计实践,构建叉车造型创新设计方案,以期设计出更加符合市场需求和用户需求的叉车造型。


中图分类号:TH242 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of modern logistics industry, the speed of manual handling of goods can not meet the requirements of enterprises gradually. The forklift industry has developed rapidly, and the forklift truck which meets the market demand has a good market prospect. Firstly, this paper summarizes the concept of user demand, investigates the current situation of forklift modeling at home and abroad, analyzes the modeling characteristics of forklift, and predicts the development trend of forklift modeling. Then interview forklift operators to understand the needs of users, excavate design points and summarize design principles. Finally, based on the needs of users to carry out forklift modeling design practice, build innovative design scheme of forklift modeling, and design a forklift model more in line with market demand and user demand.

Key Words:User Demand; forklift; modeling design