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单位:四川省宜宾普...     作者:刁厚昌,郭伟东,王传龙     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:随着白酒行业的不断发展,白酒包装在行业中的作用越发重要,锁扣作为酒类包装中的一个小零件,却通常发挥着重要作用,白酒包装盒能否实现对商品的有效保护都与锁扣的功能息息相关。本文通过对锁扣发展历程的探究,剖析了白酒包装锁扣设计的注意事项及相应的结构设计参数控制点,由点及面不断提升白酒包装的附加值及市场竞争力。


中图分类号:TS261 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the continuous development of liquor industry, wine packaging plays a more and more important role in the industry. As a small part of wine packaging, lock is playing an important role in general. Even if the wine packaging box can achieve effective protection of goods, it is closely related to the function of lock. Through the exploration of the development process of the lock, this paper analyzes the matters needing attention in the design of wine packaging lock and the corresponding control points of structural design parameters, so as to continuously enhance the added value and market competitiveness of wine packaging from the point to the surface.

Key Words:liquor packaging; lock design; structural design