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单位:中国美术学院     作者:徐子洋,陈异子     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:对于城市居民来说,城市公交车是一种重要的公共出行设施,乘客对外部信息的获取需求推动了公交车厢内信息服务的出现。本文通过引入情境感知的概念,结合国内外城市公交车厢内的信息服务案例与现状,总结目前国内案例的现状及海外成功案例的优点,尝试探索我国城市发展现状下,基于居民出行体验提升需求与相关商业生态诉求的城市公交车厢内信息服务的设计策略。希望通过本研究以期对此领域的探索提供参考,并引发更多细分问题的研究。


中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码:A


Abstract:For urban residents, the city bus is an important public travel facilities, passengers' needs of access external information has promote the emergence of information services in the bus compartment. This paper introduces the concept of context-awareness, combined with the domestic and foreign cases of information service in urban bus compartments, summarizes the problems in  related fields and the advantages of overseas successful cases, and tries to explore the design strategy of information service in urban bus compartments based on Residents' travel experience and related business ecology under the current situation of urban development in China.It is hoped that this study can provide a reference for the exploration of this field, and lead to more research in subdivision problems.

Key Words:Context Awareness; Bus Compartment; Information Service Design; Users Experience