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单位:陕西科技大学...     作者:杜肖叶,关瑛,刘粟瑶     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:本文通过对校园生活服务类APP进行研究,探求提升校园生活服务质量的用户体验研究。通过对市场上的校园生活服务类APP进行调查分析,挖掘目前存在的问题,以用户体验5E模型为核心,结合用户使用体验地图,探讨校园生活服务类APP设计策略。提出以用户为中心,增强内容的可用性和编辑性、结合使用场景架构产品功能、确保信息即时性和可理解性的设计策略,让校园生活服务类APP更好地满足用户的需求,提升用户的使用效率,为智能化校园建设做出探索。


中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article explores the user experience research of improving the quality of campus life service through the research of campus life service apps. Through the investigation and analysis of campus life service apps on the market, the current problems are explored, combined with the user experience 5E model, and the design strategies of campus life service apps are discussed. Propose user-centric design strategies to enhance the usability and editability of content, combine usage scenarios to structure product functions, and ensure the immediacy and comprehensibility of information, so that campus life service apps can better meet the needs of users and improve users’ Use efficiency to explore the construction of intelligent campus.

Key Words:User experience; campus life; service category; APP design