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单位:沈阳航空航天大学     作者:孔祥富,薛泽华,余慧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:本文针对外卖包装大量废弃所引发的资源浪费与环境污染问题,提出可持续性发展思路。通过研究社会及行业影响外卖包装可持续性发展因素,对实现可持续性发展的可行性进行深入分析。总结出推动外卖包装的可持续性发展可以从使用降解材料、建立回收模式以及提高利用率这三个方面进行。希望通过本文的研究,以期满足外卖包装可持续性发展的需求。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper aims at the waste of resources and environmental pollution caused by a large number of take-out packaging, combined with the proposed sustainable development ideas. Through the study of social and industry factors affecting the sustainability of takeaway packaging, an in-depth analysis of the feasibility of achieving sustainability is carried out. Promoting the sustainable development of takeaway packaging can be carried out from the three ideas of using degradable materials, establishing recycling models, and improving utilization. Hope that through the research of this article, in order to meet the needs of sustainable development of takeaway packaging.

Key Words:Takeaway packaging; Sustainability; Development