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单位:中国矿业大学     作者:瞿蕊,朱亚丹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:城市是社会生活极其重要的空间,尤其在城市化发展背景下,其所蕴含的能量及价值尤为明显。从城市景观布局层面看,城市公共空间作为呈现城市活力的载体,必然需要依赖于优异的设计与布局,更完整地表达及体现城市艺术,使城市功能及景观文化获得协同发展。鉴于此,本文结合新时代城市的发展主题,对公共空间景观设计加以探讨,以借助设计方式的延伸提升城市景观的魅力。


中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the city is an extremely important space of social life, especially in the context of urbanization development, its energy and value are particularly obvious. From the perspective of urban landscape layout, urban public space, as the carrier of urban vitality, must rely on excellent design and layout to more fully express and reflect urban art, so as to achieve coordinated development of urban functions and landscape culture. In view of this, combined with the theme of urban development in the new era, this paper discusses the landscape design of public space, in order to enhance the charm of urban landscape with the extension of design methods.

Key Words:new era; urban public space; landscape design