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单位:长春工业大学     作者:陈飞,林慧颖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:生态景观是如今社会的热门话题,在自然景观缺失的城市之中,垂直绿化是生态景观在城市中的重要表现形式之一。但室内公共空间的垂直绿化相比室外有着诸多的不同,将植物由室外搬进室内,考虑的不仅仅是植物的选择和存活问题,更多的是考虑植物墙与室内空间各方面因素的协调搭配,如何将垂直绿化设计与整个空间设计相契合。本文通过对室内垂直绿化应注意的问题与应用思路展开探讨,为解决室内垂直绿化问题提供方法与思路。


中图分类号:TU242 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Ecological landscape is a hot topic in today's society. In the city with lack of natural landscape, vertical greening is one of the important forms of ecological landscape in the city. But the vertical greening of indoor public space has many differences compared with outdoor. Moving plants from outdoor to indoor is not only the choice and survival of plants, but also the coordination of plant wall and indoor space. How to fit the vertical greening design with the whole space design is discussed in this paper Application of ideas to explore, to solve the problem of indoor vertical greening methods and ideas.

Key Words:Vertical greening; indoor public space design; application