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单位:长春工业大学     作者:朱华,赵雅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:胡同空间不同于城市公共道路,它是“多种化学元素”发生反应的场所,体现人与公共空间的对话。但胡同空间在城市更新的大背景下矛盾日益显著,面积减少,沦为停车位和堆放杂物的地方,形态上呈现出混乱的状态。对于这种空间的研究,从居民居住的环境以及居民所自发创造的周边环境入手,结合空间模糊性理论,探讨北京老城区胡同的空间模糊性设计策略,这些设计策略支撑居民对胡同空间的使用,可以发掘出空间的更多可能性,为胡同公共空间的留存和改造提供可行性。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Different from urban public roads, Hutong space is a place where "a variety of chemical elements" react, reflecting the dialogue between people and public space. However, in the context of urban renewal, the contradiction of Hutong space is becoming more and more obvious. The area of Hutong space is reduced, and it becomes a place for parking and stacking debris. The form of Hutong space is in a chaotic state. For the study of this kind of space, starting from the living environment and the surrounding environment spontaneously created by the residents, combined with the theory of spatial fuzziness, this paper discusses the fuzzy design strategies of Hutong space in the old urban area of Beijing. These design strategies support the residents' use of Hutong space, explore more possibilities of space, and provide a feasible reference for the retention and transformation of public space in Hutong.

Key Words:Beijing Old City; Hutong; the Space Ambiguity Design