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单位:广东工业大学     作者:陈安龙,王娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:本文基于体验式的理论与方法,对雷州蒲织进行分析,从外在、中间、内在三个层次思考雷州蒲织文化创意产品设计,探索体验式雷州蒲织的发展。通过设计赋予文化创意产品更多的文化内涵,更好地展现雷州蒲织文化的生命力,引发消费者对内在精神消费的需求,促进雷州蒲织的发展,进而增加其文化创意产品的内在附加值,引发相关文化创意设计者的思考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the experiential theory and method, this article analyzes Leizhou Puzhi, thinking about the experience design of Leizhou Puzhi cultural creative products from the external, middle and inner levels, and explores the development of experiential Leizhou Puzhi. Give cultural and creative products more cultural connotation through design, better show the vitality of Leizhou Puzhi culture, trigger consumers' demand for inner spiritual consumption, promote the development of Leizhou Puzhi, and increase the inherent added value of its cultural and creative products , Arouse the thinking of related cultural and creative designers.

Key Words:Experiential concept; Leizhou Puzhi; cultural and creative product design