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单位:无锡太湖学院     作者:蒋满群     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:昆曲是江浙沪赣等地区的传统戏曲模式,也是我国最为古老的戏曲种类之一。随着时代的发展,昆曲经过创新融合,表演模式日趋多样,成为一类高雅艺术,但也由此导致了昆曲文化在保护、传播、人才、资金、管理等方面面临诸多的问题,很多珍贵的资料和影像逐渐流失,其保护模式的探索成为一个亟待解决的问题。基于此,本文从数字化保护的角度出发,以信息手段为依托,阐述昆曲文化的具体保护方案,以期能够为昆曲的传承和发展提供可行性思路。


中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Kunqu Opera is a traditional opera model in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangxi, and it is also one of the oldest opera types in my country. With the development of the times, Kunqu opera has undergone innovation and integration, and its performance modes have become increasingly diverse and become a class of elegant art. However, this has also led to Kunqu opera culture facing many problems in protection, dissemination, talent, capital, and management, and many are precious. With the gradual loss of data and images, the exploration of its protection mode has become an urgent problem to be solved. Based on this, this article starts from the perspective of digital protection and uses information as the basis to elaborate the specific protection plan of Kunqu Opera, in order to provide feasible ideas for the inheritance and development of Kunqu Opera.

Key Words:Kunqu Opera; digital protection; strategy