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单位:1.湖南工业大...     作者:姜夏旺1,李洁2,欧亚利3     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:为贯彻思想政治教育与高校专业课程教学协同育人的教学改革方针,实现“教书”与“育人”隐性结合,文章以《红色文化创意产品设计》为例进行课程思政教学探究;结合“育才”“育德”及思政教学主阵地探讨了《红色文化创意产品设计》课程思政教学意义,从教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学实践提出课程思政教学思路,并对实践成效予以简单阐述;对红色文化创意产品设计不同阶段价值观引导并将红色内涵贯穿于产品创意表达,有利于学生内化红色精神,落实思政教学与《红色文化创意产品设计》课程融合的教学目标,实现专业成才与精神成人的协同发展。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to carry out the teaching reform policy of collaborative education of ideological and political education and professional courses in colleges and universities, and realize the implicit combination of "teaching" and "education", this paper takes the design of "Cultural and Creative Product Design of Red Culture" as an example to explore the ideological and political teaching of courses. Combined with "cultivating talents", "cultivating morality" and the main position of ideological and political teaching, this paper discusses the ideological and political teaching significance of the course "Cultural and Creative Product Design of Red Culture", puts forward the ideological and political teaching ideas from the teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching methods and teaching practices, and briefly expounds the practical results. It is helpful for students to internalize the spirit of red, implement the teaching goal of integrating ideological and political teaching with the course of "Cultural and Creative Product Design of Red Culture", and realize the synergistic development of professional achievement and spiritual adult.

Key Words:Cultural and Creative Product Design of Red Culture; Curriculum Ideology and Politics; teaching