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单位:广西科技大学...     作者:王秦,周峰,农素玉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:《设计色彩》是工业设计专业的重要基础课程,从目前国内教材的组成结构看,多以艺术色彩写生结合色彩构成的内容为主。《设计色彩》课程教学如果不能真正接轨市场和行业发展,容易落入过度偏向艺术脱离产业的窠臼。为提升《设计色彩》课程教学效果,本文探索基于CMF理念的《设计色彩》课程的教学体系,着力提升学生设计色彩理论水平与实践能力,强化课程教学与社会需求有效对接,为开展《设计色彩》教学改革提供参考。

关键词:CMF;工业设计专业 ;《设计色彩》课程;教学改革

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Design color is an important basic course for industrial design majors. From the perspective of the composition of domestic textbooks, most of them are based on the combination of painting from life with artistic colors.If the teaching of design color course cannot be in line with the development of market and industry, it is easy to fall into the trap of excessively favoring art to get away from industry.To improve color design course teaching effect, this paper explores the teaching system of "Design Color" based on CMF concept, strives to improve students' theoretical level and practical ability of design color, and strengthens the effective connection between course teaching and social demand, so as to provide reference value for carrying out the teaching reform of "Design Color".

Key Words:CMF; industrial Design; design color course; teaching reform