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单位:江西财经大学...     作者:陈茜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:在高校教育改革的宏观形势下,加强精品课程建设,提高专业课程教育质量,是需要引起关注的问题。环境艺术设计是一门具有很强专业性的艺术课程,在当前时期,需要注意该门课程的精品课程建设,推动环境艺术设计教学的发展进步。本文首先针对精品课程的内涵及环境艺术设计专业建设精品课程的意义展开分析,然后反思目前环境艺术设计专业教学存在的问题,最后提出建设环境艺术设计精品课程的具体方法,希望能够给专业教师带来一些参考与启发。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:under the macro situation of higher education reform, strengthening the construction of excellent courses and improving the quality of professional courses education need to be paid attention to. Environmental art design is a highly professional art course. In the current period, we need to pay attention to the construction of excellent courses of this course, and promote the development and progress of environmental art design teaching. This paper first analyzes the connotation of the excellent course and the significance of the construction of the excellent course of environmental art design, then reflects on the problems existing in the current teaching of environmental art design, and finally puts forward the specific methods of the construction of the excellent course of environmental art design, hoping to bring some reference and inspiration to the professional teachers.

Key Words:environmental art design; excellent course; construction; significance; method