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单位:鲁迅美术学院...     作者:魏靖野     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:随着经济技术的发展,新材质、新工艺的出现为家具设计行业带来了更多可能性与可行性。结构精炼、造型丰富的框体家具也迎来了新的发展机遇,并在家具设计领域占据着重要地位。框体家具历史久远,如中国典型的明式家具,意蕴丰富,独具一格,诠释着东方美学的独特内涵。不仅如此,框式家具还接受了西方理性思维的洗礼,形成了简练精致、线条流畅的家具形态。新科技的出现促使框体家具突破了传统材质、结构、形态的局限,使其拥有更为宽阔的发展空间。本文从框式家具的发展历程、结构特性、材质运用等方面进行思考,探索新时代背景下框体家具设计的发展方向。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of economy and technology, the emergence of new materials and new processes has brought more possibilities and feasibility to the furniture design industry. Framed furniture with refined structure and rich shapes has also ushered in new development opportunities and occupies an important position in the field of furniture design. Framed furniture has a long history, such as the typical Ming furniture in China, with rich meaning and unique style, which interprets the unique connotation of oriental aesthetics. Not only that, framed furniture has also received the baptism of Western rational thinking, forming a concise and refined furniture form with smooth lines. The emergence of new technology has prompted framed furniture to break through the limitations of traditional materials, structures and forms, giving it a wider development space. This article considers the development process, structural characteristics, and material application of framed furniture, and explores the development direction of framed furniture design under the background of the new era.

Key Words:Framed furniture; Blend of Chinese and Western; Form of expression; Material characteristics; Framed structure