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单位:南京工业大学     作者:周心悦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:文章以玉琮为研究对象,总结玉琮文化创意产品设计现存问题。将玉琮的形制特征、文化内涵结合设计符号学理论展开研究,从设计符号学的四个维度进行设计解读,明确产品定位,提取设计符号并解构重组,结合现代产品特征,优化用户对文化创意产品的文化感知,最终完成设计方案。通过本文的研究,以期为玉琮文化创意产品设计提供一定的参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The paper takes jade cong as the research object and summarizes the existing problems in the design of jade cong cultural creative products. Combining the shape characteristics and cultural connotation of Jade Cong with the theory of design semiotics, this paper interprets the design from the four dimensions of design semiotics, clarifies the product positioning, extracts the design symbols and deconstructs them, optimizes the user's cultural perception of cultural creative products combined with the characteristics of modern products, and finally completes the design scheme. Through the research of this article, I hope to provide a certain reference for the design of jade cong cultural creative products. 

Key Words:Design semiotics; Jade Cong; Cultural and creative products; Design