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单位:哈尔滨工业大...     作者:王松引,邵龙,冯珊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:哈尔滨是我国现代冰雪艺术的发源地之一,冰雪雕塑创作活动开展早、艺术水平高。科学地总结哈尔滨的发展与创作经验,能够更好地促进我国冰雪艺术理论与创作实践的发展。文章将理论与实践相结合对新中国哈尔滨现代冰雕艺术发展过程进行研究,印证了哈尔滨现代冰雕的产生源自于劳动创造实践,发展过程具有创新特点,其发生与发展规律符合马克思主义美学原理,当代冰雕的特色体现在冰雕艺术语言的创新运用。


中图分类号:J314 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Harbin is one of the birthplaces of modern ice and snow art in China, and its ice and snow sculpture creation activities started early, with high artistic level. Scientific summing up its development and creation experiences can promote the theory and practice of Chinese ice and snow art better. This paper studies on the development of Harbin modern ice sculpture in New China combined theory with practice. It confirmed that modern ice sculpture in Harbin originated from the practice of labor creation, the development process has innovative characteristics, and both of these are in line with the principle of Marxist aesthetics. The characteristics of contemporary ice sculpture are reflected in the innovative application of ice sculpture language. 

Key Words:Harbin; modern ice sculpture; law of art development; innovation