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单位:广州理工学院     作者:段碧丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:赣南的客家文化极具地方特色、文化魅力、文化历史和丰富的文化底蕴。客家文化是当地的人民和地理环境相互孕育而出现的一种地域性的特殊文化,经过历史的不断沉淀,其中的内涵也越来越丰富,形成了赣南地区特色的客家文化。为了使得赣南地区得到更好地发展,就需要不断地发扬客家文化的精神,将客家文化与当地的特色产品进行结合,让更多的人了解到赣南的客家文化的魅力与特色。本文首先阐述了赣南特色产品的包装现状,其次对客家文化在赣南特色产品包装中的应用意义进行分析,最后探讨客家文化在赣南特色产品包装设计中的应用思路,通过本文的研究,以期为赣南的特色产品包装设计提供新的方案。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The Hakka culture in Gannan has local characteristics, cultural charm, cultural history and rich cultural heritage. The Hakka culture is a special regional culture that has been nurtured by the local people and the geographical environment. After the continuous precipitation of history, its connotation has become more and more abundant, forming the Hakka culture with characteristics of the southern Gansu region. This article first describes the packaging status of Gannan specialty products, then analyzes the application significance of Hakka culture in Gannan specialty product packaging, and finally discusses the application of Hakka cultural elements in Gannan specialty product packaging design. Research, with a view to provide new solutions for Gannan's characteristic product packaging design.

Key Words:Hakka cultural; in southern Jiangxi; Characteristic Products; Packaging Design; Application