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单位:太原理工大学...     作者:张静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:传统装饰元素作为传承装饰艺术的文化象征与艺术表达形式,是中华文明的精髓所在。传统装饰元素在新中式风格室内空间设计中的应用是社会民族认同感与凝聚力的表达,是表现民族价值观和审美倾向的途径之一。本文着重阐述了传统装饰元素在新中式风格室内空间设计中的应用思路,并以商业室内空间为例,阐述了传统装饰元素在新中式风格商业空间设计中的应用。以期对新中式风格室内空间设计提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As the cultural symbol and artistic expression form of inheriting decorative art, traditional decorative elements are the essence of Chinese civilization. The application of traditional decorative elements in the interior space design of new Chinese style is the expression of social national identity and cohesion, and is one of the ways to express national values and aesthetic tendencies. This paper focuses on the application of traditional decorative elements in the design of new Chinese style interior space, and takes commercial interior space as an example to illustrate the application of traditional decorative elements in the design of new Chinese style commercial space. In order to provide some reference for the new Chinese style interior space design.

Key Words:traditional decoration elements; new Chinese style; interior space design; application; commercial space