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“写意式” 与 “工笔式” 产品设计手绘技法的比较分析

单位:太原科技大学...     作者:杨刚俊,甘柠瑞,郝旭佳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:进行产品设计时,设计师通常会使用快速表现来展现其创意想法,而“工笔式”和“写意式””是设计师常用的手绘技法。本文通过对中国“工笔画”与“写意画”的造型艺术和表现手法进行分析,结合产品设计手绘的特点,从线稿的运笔、透视和线型,以及马克笔上色的运笔、着色、叠色和留白等方面比较总结了“写意式”与“工笔式”产品设计手绘的技法要点。以期为产品设计手绘技法提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:J218 文献标识码:A


Abstract:When designing products, designers usually use quick expression to show their creative ideas, and "meticulous style" and "freehand style" are commonly used hand-drawing techniques by esigners. This article through to the Chinese claborate-style painting "and" xieyi painting "modelling art and technique of expression is analyzed, combining with the characteristics of product design drawing, calligraphy, from the line art perspective and linear, paint and mark pen calligraphy, shading, folding color and white space and so on is summarized" freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese style "and" painting "product design drawing skill points. In order to provide some reference for product design hand-drawing techniques.

Key Words:Freehand Style; Meticulous Style; product design; sketch techniques; comparison