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单位:浙江工商大学     作者:文玉珊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:茶圣陆羽所著的《茶经》作为唐代茶文化的集大成者,对茶叶内蕴的精神品质有着独到的见解,仍影响着现代茶文化的发展。茶叶包装作为融合了茶叶商品、文化、精神属性的物质载体,不仅要满足当代年轻人审美需求和消费需求以促进购买,也要用年轻一代乐于接受的方式表现茶叶内在的精神。本文首先阐述了《茶经》中包含的茶叶精神,其次针对年轻态茶叶包装设计进行分析,并阐述了其在《茶经》精神导向下的设计意义,最后总结归纳了在《茶经》精神导向下的年轻态茶叶包装设计方法。通过本文的研究,以期使传统茶文化在年轻人群体中焕发活力。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The Classic of Tea written by Lu Yu, a tea sage in Tang Dynasty, has a unique insight into the spiritual quality of tea, which still influences the development of modern tea culture. Tea packaging, as a material carrier integrating tea commodity, culture and spiritual attributes, not only needs to meet the aesthetic needs and consumption needs of the contemporary young people to promote the purchase, but also needs to express the inner spirit of tea in a way that the young generation is willing to accept. This article first elaborates the tea spirit contained in the "Tea Classics", and then analyzes the design status of young tea packaging and expounds its design significance under the spirit of the "Tea Classics", and finally summarizes the "Tea Classics" Spirit-oriented young tea packaging design method. Through the research of this article, we hope that the traditional tea culture will be revitalized among young people.

Key Words:the Spirit in the "Classic of Tea"; Young consumers; Tea packaging Design; method