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单位:西南科技大学...     作者:申伟,李尉榕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:为解决老年用户通过移动互联网开展互助养老活动的需求,文章首先进行调研,然后分析其痛点并提出基于互助养老模式的移动软件交互界面设计的思路,并赋予实践。以期让老年人通过移动软件平台更便捷高效地开展养生、医疗、运动、休闲娱乐等互助活动,充分享受互联网技术为养老生活带来的便利。


中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to solve the needs of elderly users to carry out mutual assistance and old-age activities through the mobile Internet, the article first investigates, analyzes its pain points and puts forward the design ideas of mobile software interactive interface based on the mutual-assistance old-age model, and gives practice. With a view to making the elderly through the mobile software platform more convenient and efficient health care, medical care, sports, leisure and entertainment, such as mutual assistance activities, fully enjoy the Internet technology for the convenience of old-age life.

Key Words:Mutual pension model; Mobile software, Interaction; Interface design