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单位:中国矿业大学...     作者:王欣昕,赵警卫     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:园林指的是通过运用多形式的艺术和工程手段为大众打造的休憩及游览空间。园林是在人们对于仙境的向往中起源的,人们对于美的追求是它不断发展的源泉。世界园林以东西方作为划分标准,文章通过对东方园林的代表中国、西方的园林代表法国的园林发展进行简单概括,在此基础上总结中法两国园林的发展特征,思考我国现代园林发展的创新之路。


中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Garden refers to a space for rest and sightseeing created for the public through the use of various forms of art and engineering.Gardens originated from people's yearning for fairyland, and people's pursuit of beauty is the source of its continuous development.The world's gardens are divided into the East and the West. The article briefly summarizes the development history of the gardens in which the Oriental gardens represent China and the Western gardens represents France. On the basis of this summary of the characteristics of the development of China and France, thinking about the development of China's modern landscape innovation road.

Key Words:Classical gardens; Modern gardens; Design innovation; China and France