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单位:1.东北农业大...     作者:吕海景1,2,金秀峰2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:城市进程的快速发展导致社会的复杂化,噪音问题成为严重影响人们生活的污染问题,城市声环境的问题研究也有一定的进展,对于城市公园内的声环境研究尚在探索中。本文首先阐述了寒地城市公园声环境研究的必要性,然后分析寒地城市公园声环境的存在问题,并提出相应的对策。以期丰富声景观学理论,为当代风景园林设计实践起到指导作用。


中图分类号:TU986.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The rapid development of the city process leads to the complexity of society, and the noise problem has become a serious pollution problem that affects people's lives. The research on the urban acoustic environment has also made some progress. The research on the acoustic environment in urban parks is still under exploration. Firstly, this paper expounds the necessity of studying the acoustic environment of urban parks in the cold region, and then analyzes the existing problems of the acoustic environment of urban parks in the cold region, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. It is expected to enrich the theory of sound-landscape science and play a guiding role in contemporary landscape architecture design practice.

Key Words:Cold area; urban park; acoustic environment; problems;  Countermeasures