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单位:重庆工商大学     作者:李茜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:中国古典家具承载着丰富的文化语义符号信息,本文基于产品语义学剖析古典家具图像性、指示性、象征性语义符号的意义,并对古典家具进行创新设计研究。通过运用产品语义学的理论框架深入剖析中国古典家具语义符号,举例分析语义符号的类型和特征,同时将其进行归纳总结,融入现代设计审美进行设计实践。以期传承和发扬中国古典家具文化,并为古典家具设计提供创新思路。


中图分类号:TS664.01 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese classical furniture carries rich information of cultural semantic symbols. Based on product semantics, this paper analyzes the meaning of classical furniture's pictorial, indicative and symbolic semantic symbols, and conducts research on the innovative design of classical furniture. By using the theoretical framework of product semantics, the semantic symbols of Chinese classical furniture are deeply analyzed, and the types and characteristics of semantic symbols are analyzed with examples. At the same time, the semantic symbols are summarized and integrated into modern design aesthetics for design practice. In order to inherit and carry forward the Chinese classical furniture culture, and provide innovative ideas for the design of classical furniture.

Key Words:product semantics; semantic symbols; classical furniture; innovative design