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单位:1.嘉兴学院 2...     作者:杨亚萍1,王艳敏1,刘雯婧2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:通过对学龄前儿童特征、学龄前儿童家具材料的选用现状分析,概括出可玩性视角下学龄前儿童家具材料的选用意义。从材料的可用、易用、好用、再用四个方面指出并论证了可玩性视角下学龄前儿童家具材料选用的思路,不但应满足孩子成长需求,也需秉承可持续设计的环保理念。最后通过实践论证选用思路的可行性。通过本文的研究,以期促进学龄前儿童家具设计的发展。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:By analyzing the characteristics of preschool children and the present situation of furniture material selection, the significance of furniture material selection of preschool children from the perspective of playability was summarized. Four main points of preschool children's furniture design are identified and demonstrated separately. They are the availability, ease use, satisfactory use, and reuse of materials. These not only meet the needs of children growing up, but also inherit the environmental protection concept of sustainable design. Finally, the feasibility of the selection of ideas is demonstrated through practice. Through the research, it is expected to promote the development of preschool children's furniture design.

Key Words:Playability; Preschool children; Furniture; Material; Idea