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单位:伦敦大学金史...     作者:王喆,吴诗中     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-25

摘 要:英国作为最早开始工业革命的国家,是当之无愧的工业王国,同时它也是最早经历工业衰退并开展城市工业遗产再生活动的国家之一。如果1851年伦敦世博会的建筑“水晶宫”是彰显英国工业革命的成果,那么世纪之交的泰晤士河南岸建设则见证了英国迈进后工业时代之后对工业遗产的转化与再生。本文将聚焦英国再生案例,从再生设计的观念启蒙、建筑设计、可持续发展三个角度出发,浅析工业王国的工业之美。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As the first one to start The Industrial Revolution, the United Kingdom is a well-deserved industrial kingdom, while it is also one of the first countries to experience industrial decline and carry out regeneration of industrial heritage. If Crystal Palace at the London World Expo in 1851 demonstrated the achievements of the British Industrial Revolution, the reconstruction on South Bank at the turn of the century has witnessed the transformation and regeneration of the industrial heritage after Britain entered the post-industrial era. This article will focus on the UK regeneration case and analyze the beauty of the industrial kingdom from the perspectives of the enlightment idea, architectural design and sustainable development of of the regeneration design.

Key Words:Industrial heritage; Ecological design; Cultural policy; Urban regeneration