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单位:广西师范大学     作者:杨婷,覃莉婷,杨紫薇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-25

摘 要:目前,儿童的益智玩具普遍存在缺乏创新的问题。STEAM教育理念是集合技术、工程、艺术、数学于一体的综合教育理念。本文基于STEAM教育理念,着重探讨了STEAM教育理念下儿童益智玩具创新设计的原则,并设计了一款以物理沉浮实验为原理的“小小潜水艇”。希望设计师能更好地发散设计思维,突破设计瓶颈,设计出极具教育性、益智性与趣味性的产品,促进儿童益智游戏玩具设计的发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, children's educational toys are lack of innovation.Steam is a comprehensive educational concept that integrates technology, engineering, art and mathematics.Based on STEAM education concept, this paper focuses on the principles of innovative design of children's educational toys under STEAM education concept, and designs a "little submarine" based on the principle of physical ups and downs experiment.It is hoped that designers can better diverge their design thinking, break through the design bottleneck, design highly educational, intellectual and interesting products, and promote the development of children's puzzle game toy design.

Key Words:Steam Educational Concept; children; educational toy; innovative design