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单位:西南交通大学     作者:唐楚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-25

摘 要:目前,人们会更多地依赖于利用网络来获取信息、办理业务,但校内资讯移动应用无法提供给大学生即时性的信息。因此,文章以大学生信息需求为基础,通过分析校园资讯移动应用的不足之处,阐述了校园资讯移动应用设计的新思路,并以跨专业组队比赛的场景作为切入点进行实践,通过本文的研究,希望能为校园资讯移动应用提出解决方案,为高校信息资讯服务建设提供参考。


中图分类号:TB47 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, people will rely more on the use of the Internet to obtain information and conduct business, but mobile applications for information on campus cannot provide college students with instant information. Therefore, based on the information needs of college students, this article explains the new ideas of campus information mobile application design by analyzing the shortcomings of campus information mobile applications, and uses the scene of cross-professional team competition as the starting point for practice. The research hopes to propose solutions for campus information mobile applications and provide a reference for the construction of university information and information services. 

Key Words:College students; Information needs; Campus; Information mobile application design; Experience