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单位:东北农业大学     作者:刘丽,边卓     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-25

摘 要:研究标志设计的艺术美感,利于促进标志设计中元素的合理选择,进而准确把握标志设计的艺术元素形态。本文首先阐述了标志设计与美感的相关概念,其次分析了标志设计的三个艺术美感特征,并总结分析出标志设计的艺术美感表现方法。通过对本文的研究,以期更好地促进标志的功能性与艺术性的完美结合。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The study of the artistic beauty of logo design is conducive to promoting the rational selection of elements in logo design, and then accurately grasp the artistic element form of logo design. This paper first expounds the related concepts of logo design and aesthetic feeling, then analyzes the three artistic aesthetic characteristics of logo design, and summarizes and analyzes the artistic aesthetic expression methods of logo design. Through the study of this article, in order to better promote the perfect combination of the functionality and artistry of the logo. 

Key Words:logo design; Artistic Aesthetic Feeling; features; expression method