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单位:福州工商学院      作者:吴茜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-25

摘 要:在信息与数字化技术不断发展的背景下,编程语言从初期的机器语言衍生出许多新的高级语言,每种语言的用途都有区别,特别是在计算机硬件以及互联网的飞速发展下,编程语言的发展得到了显著的提升,而Processing作为一种新型的计算机语言,以数字艺术作为大发展背景。Processing支持Java的语言构架,其最突出的优势就是在语法方面要更加的简易,对于一些视觉作品以及互动媒体的创作有着重要的应用价值。本文以 Processing 作为创意编程的研究基础,阐述创意编程在平面设计中的应用思路,以期为艺术设计创作与研究提供有益的参考。


中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the context of the continuous development of information and digital technology, programming languages derive many new high-level languages from the original machine language. The purpose of each language is different, especially under the rapid development of computer hardware and the Internet. The development of has been significantly improved, and Processing, as a new type of computer language, uses digital art as the background of its development. Processing supports Java's language structure. Its most prominent advantage is that it is simpler in terms of grammar, and has important application value for the creation of some visual works and interactive media. This article takes Processing as the research foundation of creative programming, This paper expounds the application of creative programming in graphic design, in order to provide useful reference for artistic design creation and research.

Key Words:Creative programming; Graphic design; Application; Processing