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单位:1.南京理工大...     作者:丁文,韩德斌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:文章针对电力机柜重视功能设计忽视造型设计的现状,讨论如何将形式美法则应用在电力机柜设计中。重点分析电力机柜造型设计元素,从比例与尺度、均衡与稳定、统一与变化、节奏与秩序四个方面研究形式美法则在电力机柜设计中的应用。力求产品形态美与功能美的统一,以期提高产品价值与市场竞争力。


中图分类号:TM50 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In view of the current situation that power cabinet attaches importance to functional design and ignores modeling design, the application of principle of form beauty in the design of power cabinet is discussed.  The modeling design elements of electric cabinet are analyzed. And the application of formal beauty rules in power cabinet design is studied from four aspects: proportion and scale, balance and stability, unity and change, rhythm and order. So as to strive for the unity of product form beauty and functional beauty, improve product value and market competitiveness.

Key Words:Principle of Form Beauty; electric cabinet design; application