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单位:镇江市高等专...     作者:陆凯     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:本文以跨界为视角,探讨新媒体与地铁公共艺术的融合方法。新媒体以其交互性、多维性特征为艺术家提供了全新的表达形式。本文基于地铁公共艺术设计,对新媒体的艺术性、公共性进行诠释,并提出跨界设计将成为地铁公共艺术设计的转型方向,而新媒体则会为地铁公共艺术注入新的活力。通过本文的研究,以期为实现地铁公共空间多元化价值取向的跨界融合提供一定的思路。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper explores the integration method of new media and subway public art from the perspective of crossover. With its interactive and multidimensional characteristics, new media provides artists with a new form of expression. Based on subway public art design, this article interprets the artistry and publicity of new media, and proposes that cross-border design will become the transformation direction of subway public art design, and new media will inject new vitality into subway public art. Through the research of this article, we hope to provide some ideas for realizing the cross-border integration of the diversified value orientation of subway public space.

Key Words:Cross-border; New Media; Subway Public Art; Design; Integration