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单位:山西师范大学...     作者:刘昂     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:滨水景观空间具有得天独厚的景观资源优势,是城市生活中促进市民健康、调动市民运动健身活力性的最佳空间。本文以健康视角下的城市滨水景观空间为研究对象,通过剖析城市人群面临的健康问题、滨水空间活力营建的意义,提出健康视角下城市滨水空间的活力营建策略,最后以临汾市汾河湿地公园景观空间的活力性营建为例,对城市滨水景观空间的活力性进行分析。以期提升城市滨水景观空间品质,改善市民健康状况,增加市民的参与度,并为城市滨水景观空间设计提供参考。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The waterfront landscape space has the advantage of unique landscape resources, and is the best space to promote the health of citizens and mobilize the vitality of citizens' sports and fitness in urban life. Health perspective based on the construction of urban waterfront landscape space as a starting point, through the analysis of urban population health problems, the significance of waterfront space energy construction, put forward under the health perspective, urban waterfront space dynamic construction strategies, finally in linfen city in shanxi fenhe wetland park landscape space dynamic construction as an example, the analysis of urban waterfront landscape space vitality. In order to improve the quality of urban waterfront landscape space, improve the health of citizens, increase the participation of citizens, and provide reference for the design of urban waterfront landscape space.

Key Words:Health; Urban Waterfront Landscape Space; Construction